

: 🕹️ Game dev should be fun and creatively fulfilling! If you feel burnt out or disillusioned, think …

: The WoW team has formed a union! I hope they achieve a sustainable and fulfilling work environment …

: 🎮 A massive problem in the game industry is morale. Developers aren’t having a good time …

: Maya Rudolph is the one person who’s gonna get me through the 2024 election season.

: If you’re just starting out in game design, I recommend doubling down on making games that are …

: My toddler’s activity of choice this morning was to randomly throw my shoes around the house… and …

: As I become another game developer affected by layoffs, I’ve realized that I’m terrified …

: Panic time! I’m coming up on the remaining days of the jam and I still have nothing as far as …

: Just wrapped up my game over screen for the Decker 2024 game jam.

: Game design is great because you can make the tiniest victories feel major with enough positive …

: A great way to procrastinate working on your game is to work on the title screen instead. …

: 🕹️ Today, was more art exploration for the game jam. I also set up the two main resources. The …

: 🕹️ Just joined the Decker Fantasy Camp 2024! I just dropped everything to join the Decker Fantasy Camp 2024 and I have 22 days to finish a game. …

: Happy 4th everyone! May your grills stay hot and your beers ice cold! And I wish you sweet victory …

: 🕹️ New prototype in development! While looking for my next job opportunity, I want to work on a new …

: 🙌🏽 I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the game development community. With Paradox …

: Today I found out the studio I work at is shutting down and that layoffs are on the way. …

: Playing around with a map screen for a text-adventure game.

: Just discovered my favorite UI principle. Act on press. Why it matters: When interactions “do the …

: The single best way I’ve found to build trust on a team: Admit and take responsibility for …

: How To Work On Your Game For 30 Minutes I wanted to work on my game. Actually, no… I NEEDED to work on my game. A Month had gone by …

: Layoffs have been straight devastating to the game industry. Yet, when I look around at the game dev …

: 🕹️ Larian announcement: No Baldur’s Gate DLC or sequel This made me happy. Long-term, …

: Just stumbled on this quote and it got me thinking. “No matter what the work you are doing, be …

: 🧘I thought it would be good to formalize my mental health toolkit. This process keeps me going: …


: I want to get back to doing my MS Paint doodles, so here’s todays.

: Receiving feedback made easy: Assume positive intent. Appreciate all feedback. Say thank you even …

: Here is the key to compelling games! It’s not just about mastering design techniques. Observe …

: Thoughts are temporary. They come and go. We just need to let them pass through.

: 🕹️ I found a manifesto about small games and I love it. As I get older, I crave smaller and tighter …

: 🕹️ I just found out that Rock Paper Shotgun wrote a review of one of my games (Marshmallow Nights). …

: Me: (hugs wife) I love you Wife: Your shirt smells like spit up

: 🕹️ I impusively signed up for a game jam It was probably not the best idea. I have a newborn, and I’m helping the studio I work at …

: 🕹️ Clarify your game design with "If-Then" thinking Why it matters: Gameplay becomes stronger when you talk about it the same way players talk about it. …

: I started working on a roguelike for the Playdate 🕹️ I’ve always loved fantasy consoles and …

: I like that there are no rate limits on the indie web 😊

: 🕹️ I love simple, practical guides. Credit: Matt Hackett

: 🕹️ Game Design Tip: “If the player doesn’t see it, it may not exist.” Why it …

: ✨ My first Father’s Day gift. “Air Jordan 1 Retro OG Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse”

: I wrote about this the other day, but Zach Gage put it more succinctly.

: Doing nothing in games should be meaningful. Why it matters: In game design, not pushing a button can be just as important as pushing a button. …

: 🕹️ Player verbs are gameplay. Why it matters: “But what does the player get to do?” This …

: Signs and Feedback are the language of video games. The player sees a sign, they provide input, and then receive feedback. Repeat. This loop is the …

: Game Idea: An action-shooter where your bullets become more powerful the less ammo you have. 🕹️

: I can finally talk about what I’ve been working on for the last few years! Life By You is an …


: Great article from design legend, Warren Spector. TL;DR: In game dev, success comes from delivering …

: It’s been a relaxing break, but it’s rained quite a bit. So, we decided to go through the Sinister …


: Got to check out a penny arcade museum at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco yesterday and it was …

: Not knowing what “done” looks like is the equivalent to running a marathon without a …

: 🕹️ I’m calling it now: the GOTY will be an action-adventure game, because, if we’re …

: Sunday morning walk after a rainy day.

: Cold. Windy. Rainy. Going to light a fire and stay in my pajamas all day. Remote work is a beautiful …

: 🕹️ A friend and I recently started working on a freeware game called Merchants of Mie and it’s …

: “Introduce yourself with five TV shows” 📺: Seinfeld Chuck V.G.H.S Spongebob Squarepants It’s …

: 📺 I’ve watched a lot of tv shows in my life, but Chuck will always be in my top 5 of all time. So, …

: Commercial #gamedev pays the bills and allows me to contribute to an industry I love, but freeware …

: “Introduce yourself with five video games” 🕹️ This was surprisingly hard: Def Jam: Fight for NY …

: My curiosity got the best of me, and I finally joined Mastodon (game dev server). But I have no idea …

: Relaxation goals

: SM companies make it so easy to distribute content. But, relying on Twitter and SM platforms to …

: Today I started playing around with AI art generation with #dalle2 Here’s a colorful graffiti …

: Game design tip: The simplest way to make an interesting game is to give it unusual design …


: We @HomeTeamGameDev just released our 100th game! This was a fun project to contribute to. …

: She’s had a long day.

: Rediscovering the joy of doodling in MS Paint 🎨 #pixelart

: This week in hobby #gamedev I added some new building and ship models to @HomeTeamGameDev Time …

: I had a lot of fun using MagicaVoxel for the first time to create some building assets for …

: The #gamedev possibilities with Unreal 5 are truly outstanding. I’ll finally be able to render …

: It doesn’t matter how old you are, this is still hands down the single best way to spend a Saturday …

: PSA: To all the #gamedev peeps out there starting to work from home for the first time, remember to …

: The Soul Key: RELEASED! I just released a tiny retro game called “The Soul Key”. It’s a short game with …

: Even while on a dungeon crawling adventure, there’s always enough time to pet a corgi. …

: Playing around some more with #bitsy #gamedev. The constraints are actually quite a lot of fun to …

: Behold! My game design masterpiece. #gamedev #Bitsy #pixelart #indiedev

: Thanks a bunch for the recommendation @magspinner. Coin Dasher it is! #godot #gamedev #indiedev …

: I don’t have a name for my latest #gamedev project. Would anyone be willing to suggest some …

: Amazing what a little polish can do for such a simple game. I challenged myself to make a game in an …

: Exploring a new game mechanic. After an hour of work this is what I’ve come up with so far. …

: Yesterday I completed my 4th #gamedev project of the year. Didn’t turn out quite how I had hoped, …

: I’m thinking my new #gamedev project will be an arcade game about unlocking happy thoughts. …

: The best part of getting ready to close out another month in #indiedev is being able to look back at …

: I needed to start a #gamedev project today, but I had no idea what to make. Therefor I now have a …

: Friday’s at the office. #gamedev #indiedev

: Finally got arround to making a quick showreel of some of my work.

: Another atmospheric environment I’ve been working on this week.

: 10 year old me should have never parted with this game. I’m finally reunited with my childhood 😊

: I threw together this quick environment in honor of yesterday’s lazy Sunday afternoon. …

: Found a few classics at my local bookstore.

: Sometimes if you look at chopped up watermelon closely, it looks like sashimi.

: Today I made a small game about a farting heart. Why? Just ‘cuz. Happy Friday and I hope you …

: Some days #gamedev can feel a little bit like this. Gotta just keep swimming. #pixelart #indiedev …

: I’ve decided to unashamedly brag about picking this perfect orange from a perfect tree on this …

: I’ve been thinking a lot about the Quantity vs. Quality debate. Which do you value more in …

: Here’s a one-word motivational poster on the best #gamedev advice I ever received. Easy to …

: Today I felt bummed out for cancelling my #gamedev project. So… I made this to cheer myself …

: Added some visual polish to my upcoming #twine game. #gamedev #pixelart #indiedev

: I swear you’d think my upcoming #gamedev project was made entirely with Crayons. It’s …

: For #tbt here’s a goofy game I made with my friends @emichen88 @PowerAuerArt. The game is …

: Working on a simple yet wholesome #pixelart style. As a #gamedev with little art skills, sometimes …

: Some programmers talk to a rubber duck to walk through their problems. I prefer my good buddy Bob …

: For #tbthursday, here’s a small arcade game I made a while ago. I think this was the first …

: Pixel doesn’t allow anyone into her not-so-secret fort. #corgi

: Happy Wednesday. Here, have a wobbly Kirby. #pico8 #pixelart

: If you’re an #indiedev battling with uncertainty, here’s a quote that will hopefully …

: I’ve worked with many game engines in my career, but I’m always very grateful that a …

: Want to learn how to create dialogue bubbles in your #twine game? Cyrus Firheir wrote a tutorial …

: Have a case of the Monday’s? Check out this feel-good puzzle platformer by @AnderssonKev …

: I admit it. I love games that are easy, wholesome and just plain fun. Games that just make you feel …

: Updated my #gamedev project with a new color palette and new characters. I was inspired by @Spdrcstl …

: Today I created the cast of characters for my #gamedev #twine project. #pixelart #indiedev …

: Today I started up a new #gamedev project using #twine and the #pico8 color palette.

: Sunrise walk before work.

: Is it crazy to believe that the next decade can be better than the last? The #gamedev community had …

: My world famous Wabi-Sabi wrapping technique. I’m proud of this one.

: Happy Holidays everyone! Over the next couple weeks, I hope you have an abundance of Triple …

: Today I saw someone flying a kite in front of a rainbow. Gotta love Sunday.

: For some reason, I’m really enjoying working on this 3D #lowrez aesthetic. #pixelart #godot …

: I don’t know about you, but my #corgi only ever has one thing on her mind. She can go from …

: Happy Friday! Here’s another wobble doodle. #pico8 #pixelart

: Hard to believe another #starwars trilogy is concluding. Tonight’s all about good friends, …

: It’s hard to keep these three things equally balanced, but we should try anyways. Happy …

: Spent today doing some #gamedev and trying to recapture the look and feel of a #ps1 game. #godot …

: If your a #gamedev making games today, thank you! If you’re a #gamer playing games today, …

: We need more #cozygames retro synthwave stuff! It’s been a challenge to get the week going, so …

: For #tbt here’s a small game I made a LONG time ago. What is this even!? Who knows. However …

: Thinking through minimalist choice design structures in #gamedev

: Snapshot of my game making space. Happy Monday and start of the week to all the #gamedev out there …

: Sunrise walk.

: Practicing some more #pixelart. This one was inspired by @csmgllz “Riders of the dawn”

: Today I worked on some concept art for my next #gamedev project. I’m new to #pixelart but …

: Goof off and eat marshmallows with your friend! I just released Marshmallow Nights, another short …

: It’s raining, so I thought I’d make a small #cozygame today. It’s called Hot Soup …

: Rainy day, warm fire and a hot tea is the perfect way to prep for the #gamedev week ahead.

: One of my favorite #gamedev manifestos. Credit goes to @lexaloffle from a talk he gave for the NYU …

: It might be silly to celebrate temporary tiny wins, but I’m gonna celebrate the tiny win. The …

: As someone who thinks a lot about what a game “is”, this article by @spiderwebsoft is …

: Found this awesome #gamedev tutorial gif. Credit goes to @Securas2010 who is doing some really cool …

: “Learn to be indifferent to what makes no difference” - Marcus Aurelius

: How to choose a #gamedev theme you’ll be excited about for your next project: (1) Write 10 …

: Keep company only with corgis who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. - Epictetus