Gabriel Cornish

Ask This One Question To Make Game Design 10x Easier

You know how tricky and complex game design can be.

In this journey filled with endless tasks and challenges, it’s easy to lose focus. But there’s one simple question that can make your life as a game designer much easier.

What’s the Big Question?

Here’s the most important question you should always ask:

“What problem are we trying to solve?”

Sounds simple, right?

But it’s often overlooked even with experienced developers. When you’re deep in game development, it’s easy to get lost in the details and forget the main goal.

Albert Einstein said, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”

This quote highlights how crucial it is to know the problem before you jump into solutions.

Why This Question Matters

Game development is a journey filled with distractions.

As a game designer, your job is to solve problems for the player. But remember, not every problem needs solving.

It’s important to focus on the right ones. Asking “What problem are we solving?” brings clarity and focus.

The Benefits of Asking the Right Question

  1. Productivity: If you understand the problem, you can work more efficiently.

  2. Alignment: It ensures everyone on the team is on the same page. This minimizes miscommunication and conflicts.

  3. Time-saving: It saves hours of work. You don’t waste time on solving the wrong problems.

Why People Avoid Asking This Question

Some might think it’s a rude question, or fear it might get annoying if asked too often.

But the truth is, it’s a necessary step in effective problem-solving.

Personal Experience

I’ve been in design meetings where we debated solutions for hours! It never occurred to us that we didn’t even agree on the problem.

We spent hours in discussions and left with no clear direction. We could have avoided this by asking, “What problem are we solving?”

A Simple Framework

  1. Agree on the Problem: Always ensure everyone agrees on the problem.

  2. Clear Goal: At the start of meetings, state the problem you’re there to solve.

  3. Self-Reflection: If you’re on your own, ask yourself if you’re solving the right problem. Is it a problem worth solving to begin with?


In game development, it’s easy to get caught up in endless tasks.

By asking, “What problem are we solving?” you bring clarity and focus to your work.

This simple question is a powerful tool in your game design toolkit. Use it wisely, and watch your productivity and efficiency soar!