This week in hobby #gamedev I added some new building and ship models to @HomeTeamGameDev Time Cannon. Fleshing out the environment has been a ton of fun. #indiedev #screenshotsaturday

I had a lot of fun using MagicaVoxel for the first time to create some building assets for @HomeTeamGameDev Time Cannon led by @ChrisDeLeon #gamedev

The #gamedev possibilities with Unreal 5 are truly outstanding. I’ll finally be able to render my text adventure games with .TTF fonts instead of Bit-mapped and with relatively no performance drops. The future is here. #UE5 #indiedev #interactivefiction #narrativedesign

It doesn’t matter how old you are, this is still hands down the single best way to spend a Saturday morning.

PSA: To all the #gamedev peeps out there starting to work from home for the first time, remember to take the weekend to step away from work. Rest, recover and get some sun. It goes a long way. Happy friday all! #indiedev #pico8 #pixelart

The Soul Key: RELEASED!

I just released a tiny retro game called “The Soul Key”. It’s a short game with multiple endings and a corgi! Check it out.

Even while on a dungeon crawling adventure, there’s always enough time to pet a corgi. #gamedev #pico8 #bitsy #indiedev #pixelart

Playing around some more with #bitsy #gamedev. The constraints are actually quite a lot of fun to work with. The #pico8 color palette is also usually my goto. #indiedev #pixelart #1bit

I don’t have a name for my latest #gamedev project. Would anyone be willing to suggest some family-friendly names for the game’s title? #indiedev #pixelart #godot #indiegamedev

Amazing what a little polish can do for such a simple game. I challenged myself to make a game in an hour and then polish it for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, every day. After a week, I’m happy with how it’s turning out. #gamedev #godot #indiedev #pixelart #indiegamedev

Exploring a new game mechanic. After an hour of work this is what I’ve come up with so far. #gamedev #pico8 #godot #indiedev

Yesterday I completed my 4th #gamedev project of the year. Didn’t turn out quite how I had hoped, but it was still a decent prototyping excercise and I learned a lot. Today I started planning for game 5 of 2020. #godot #indiedev

I’m thinking my new #gamedev project will be an arcade game about unlocking happy thoughts. #godot #pico8 #indiedev #wholesomegames

The best part of getting ready to close out another month in #indiedev is being able to look back at everything you did or didn’t do.

Pen and paper can be a good substitute for a producer if you don’t have one handy for your #gamedev projects.

I needed to start a #gamedev project today, but I had no idea what to make. Therefor I now have a main menu and no gameplay 🤦‍♂️

I know I shouldn’t wait for inspiration, but it sure would be nice if my muse showed up to help out a little. Pleeease! #pico8 #godot #indiedev

I threw together this quick environment in honor of yesterday’s lazy Sunday afternoon. Practicing my world building and environmental storytelling. #gamedev #madewithdreams