Happy Holidays everyone! Over the next couple weeks, I hope you have an abundance of Triple F’s… Friends, Family and Food. #pico8 #pixelart

I don’t know about you, but my #corgi only ever has one thing on her mind. She can go from Zero-To-Play in under a second. #pico8 #pixelart

Hard to believe another #starwars trilogy is concluding. Tonight’s all about good friends, fountain drinks and a bucket of popcorn. Just like old times šŸ˜Š #pico8 #pixelart

It’s hard to keep these three things equally balanced, but we should try anyways. Happy #gamedev’s makes a happier industry. A happier industry makes better games. Better games makes happier players. Win-win. šŸ˜Š #pico8 #pixelart

Spent today doing some #gamedev and trying to recapture the look and feel of a #ps1 game. #godot #RetroGaming

If your a #gamedev making games today, thank you! If you’re a #gamer playing games today, thank you! Have fun and enjoy yourself today.

  • #pixelart made with #pico8 & #WOBBLE_PAINT

We need more #cozygames retro synthwave stuff! It’s been a challenge to get the week going, so I hope this #gamedev sketch brings you some much needed “chill” this week. Credit for the inspiration goes to @StegmayerLuke & @Theoremnd #pixelart

For #tbt here’s a small game I made a LONG time ago. What is this even!? Who knows. However there’s a quality in the work that only a beginner can have. Remember to enjoy your #gamedev journey. Keep a beginners mind.

Snapshot of my game making space. Happy Monday and start of the week to all the #gamedev out there making their dreams come true.

Today I worked on some concept art for my next #gamedev project. I’m new to #pixelart but I’ve been having a lot of fun with it so far and I’m learning a lot.

It’s raining, so I thought I’d make a small #cozygame today. It’s called Hot Soup and you can play it on itch now. #gamedev #twine

One of my favorite #gamedev manifestos. Credit goes to @lexaloffle from a talk he gave for the NYU Game Center.

  • Small things matter

  • Discard and move on

  • Inhabit boundaries

  • Follow a new path

  • Ignore the real world

Found this awesome #gamedev tutorial gif. Credit goes to @Securas2010 who is doing some really cool #indiegamedev stuff in #godot.